Position of the ASU National Alumni Association on New ASU Mission Statement
Published on 6/11/2019
“The ASU National Alumni Association does not object to the revised Mission Statement resulting from the consolidation of Albany State University and Darton State College. The fact of the “HBCU” term itself not appearing or not being included in the new mission statement, does not mean, in any way, nor does it imply or infer that Albany State University is no longer a “Historically Black College or University”. Such designation/distinction is based in law and no revision or modification of its mission statement changes this fact”.
----The Higher Education Act of 1965 codified the HBCU designation for all such Colleges/Universities established prior to 1964. These Colleges and Universities had an intention of primarily serving the African-American community and such designation does not change as a result of changes in student make-up or mission change.